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YORK SPAT-R-PRUF® 101 NOZZLE GEL will out-perform petroleum based nozzle dips 10 to 1, and will save you approximately 50 percent of your current consumable costs. Just dip cold torch before welding and you'll have instant protection. COMPOUND 101 is not a petroleum product and will not smoke, drip, catch on fire, plug the liner or gas diffuser. Bi-lingual label has directions and information in English and Spanish. COMPOUND 101 can also be used for fusion welding, robotic cleaning stations, plasma cutter tips and cups, jigs, fixtures, clamps, tools and work surfaces. COMPOUND 101 is economical to use. If the level of COMPOUND 101 in the jar is too low, don't throw the jar away, just add more. COMPOUND 101 is pourable, paintable and water soluble.