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Bosch Professional Series Circular Saw Blades are designed to meet the needs of professional users from woodworkers to firefighters. All blades feature industrial quality, laser cut, fully hardened bodies and oversized carbide tips for resharpening.
Most Professional Series blades come in an innovative reinforced textile carrying case that offers the best in transport and storage protection. The unique patent pending case with built-in carrying handle offers space for another blade and additional accessories such as wrenches, Allen keys, bushings and stabilizers. It is even equipped with a blade sharpening indicator
Bosch offers a wide variety of woodworking blades in the Professional Series line including blades specifically forged for applications like fine ripping, crosscutting, finishing, planer / combination, slide miter, melamine / veneer / laminate, solid surface and dadoes. These blades feature oversized resharpenable carbide tips, patented C-4 Dyanite® carbide that stays sharp up to 6X longer than standard carbide, tri-metal shim braze for extreme shock resistance and anti friction coating
Special noise reduced blades (PRO1072VF and PRO1296VF) feature computer designed laser slots that reduce vibrations and noise by 60% when compared with regular miter saw blades
Non-ferrous / plastic cutting blades for aluminum, copper, zinc and plastic (PRO72540NF, PRO860NF, PRO1080NF and PRO12100NF) have a 0° hook angle for smooth cuts and C-3 Dyanite® carbide that lasts up to 6X longer than standard carbide
Steel cutting blades (PRO82540ST, PRO1048ST and PRO1260ST) have special tensioned and hardened bodies for low noise and true runs and come with inserted C-6 carbide for record long blade life