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Standard Abrasives 700 Series Type 732 3" Dia X 1/4" Fine Grade Silicon Carbide TS Quick Change Style Unitized Wheel offers an enhanced edge durability and life for tough debarring and cleaning applications. Medium/hard density heavy-duty wheel with 18000 RPM is designed for tough debarring, blending, finishing and polishing on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. Edge radiusing wheel is ideal for debarring gears, trailing and leading edge on turbine blades, removing punched hole burrs on stainless steel, 80 grit grind lines on nickel alloys, 120 grit grind lines on aluminum, heavy flashing and medium-sized pits and scratches. MD Wheel is used for removing heavy scale, light oxidation from aluminum, brazing on steel tubing, weld discoloration and handling marks prior to coating or plating.
Medium/Hard density with increased edge durability and life for tough debarring and cleaning applications
Deburring gears, trailing and leading edge on turbine blades
Removing punched hole burrs on Stainless Steel, 80 grit grind lines on Nickel Alloys, 120 grit grind lines on Aluminum, heavy flashing and medium-sized pits and scratches
Edge radiusing
Removing heavy scale, light oxidation from Aluminum, brazing on Steel tubing, weld discoloration
Removing handling marks prior to coating or plating