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Norton® Rapid Prep™ 3" Dia Very Fine Grade Aluminum Oxide Quick Change Type TS Blank Surface Finishing Disc is made by new coating method and comes with paper backing that helps to change discs quickly/safely by a turn-on/turn-off style nylon fastener. It comes with a combination of strong synthetic mesh and quality abrasives. Disc comes with clean bond resin technology and provides 3X times longer life. Edge wear resistant disc with friable grain design retains Ra specs during disc life and has dense layer of grain over it to stretch life. Disc offers consistent finish by remaining flat on back-up pads. Minimum scrap and rework free disc decreases process time by eliminating 2 - 5 grit sequences in blending operation. Sanding disc provides 15%+ performance and is ideal for deburring as well as blending operations.
New clean Bond resin technology, aerospace-tailored
Proprietary new coating method
Extended form holding
Improved hook and loop backing on discs
Smear-free, even on high nickel content alloys
Will not load on aluminum and soft metals, as competitive products can
Thick layer of grain throughout the product extends life; grain does not sit on top of fibers as competitive products can
Lowest total cost of consumable tooling per workpiece
Will not fly off rotary sanders
discs sit flatter on back-up pads, resulting in a more consistent finish on da applications
Provide better grain utility while remaining flexible