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Norton® Vortex® Rapid Blend Series 2" Dia Medium Grade Aluminum Oxide TR Quick-Change Disc with special resin chemistry offers long lasting durability and better finish. 1/4" Blue disc with 22100 RPM is ideal for coating removal on aluminum surrounding helicopter windows.
Proprietary Vortex aluminum oxide aggregate grain
Special resin chemistry
3D construction: abrasive is distributed throughout the entire disc (top, bottom and side)
Performs the medium and very-fine grit steps of traditional discs in an easy one-step operation
Resists shedding when used on sharp edges, making it ideal for debarring
All three faces can be used - versus competitive discs’ one bottom layer of abrasive
Disc can be used down to the button, with consistent cut rate throughout entire thickness and life
3 - 8 times the life of competitive surface blending discs
Fewer safety, ergonomic, and environmental issues due to fewer changeouts, less downtime, and less production waste/landfill scrap
No smearing because edge has no scrim; competitors scrimmed discs can smear