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With Sqwincher Zero 20 oz, you can enjoy the great taste you expect from Sqwincher available with ZERO sugar and ZERO calories in convenient 20 oz WIDEMOUTH plastic Ready-to-Drink bottles. Sqwincher Zero is a perfect solution for diabetics who monitor their daily consumption of carbs and calories. Sqwincher Zero's formulation contains the same electrolyte content as regular Sqwincher, (high in potassium and low in sodium to aid the body in replenishing essential elements lost to heat stress and fatigue), but contains zero calories and zero sugar.
No Caffeine
No Salty Aftertaste
Low Sodium
Sugar Free
No Calories
Sqwincher® is the only electrolyte drink specially created for the high heat environment of the industrial workplace. Sqwincher® is scientifically formulated to replace important mineral salts and fluids lost during vigorous physical activity.